How to: Automatic Push-to-Talk with Voicemod Soundboard

Assuming you’ve already set up AutoPTT with the correct PTT key, this is how you can make your mic automatically activate when you press a key to play something from your soundboard app, whether you’re using push-to-talk or not.

This same principle should work for other soundboard apps as well.

  1. In AutoPTT, find “Secondary PTT 1” under “PTT Keys” and click the button next to it that says “<Add>.”
  2. Press the key or key combination that you use to trigger the sound from the soundboard app. Note that this must be different from your actual PTT key!
  3. If you’re using push-to-talk and not voice activation, set “Activation Mode” to “Tap.”
  4. Use the hotkey to play the sound from the soundboard app and make sure that the “Current Value” field in AutoPTT turns green/yellow as the sound plays. Adjust “Activation Threshold” and “Release Delay” as necessary.

And if you prefer a video guide:

Give it a try!

AutoPTT is free for the first month, so why not try it out?

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